Tuesday 19 January 2010

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Dear Missie,
Up until now I have only ever written in a diary and even then that diary only lasted for one year. Being a young girl with a passion for many subjects one of those being english I feel it is vital that I should start writing regularly.

I am a typical English girl at the age of thirteen. I do not particularly have a special talent that stands out from the crowd, no, I am an all-rounder. I have decided only the second before I started writing this that I am going to pour out my emotions and feeling and that is why I am not going to say my name.

I would be comforted if anyone who is reading this to comment, that when times are hard I still have friends out there who are (hopefully) on my side.

The Christmas holidays were great fun, I met up with my best friend that I have known since reception at the beginning and we had a really good time. To be honest with you, I only became so close to her when this other girl left our school, but we have always been friends.

There is something I need to tell you about this girl, her and I, well, we have these games. I cannot remember when it started and I have no idea when it will end if it ever does. I suppose you could call these games acting but in reality, they are "make believe". Personally, I quite enjoy them and I no she does too, maybe that is why we are so close and never get tired or bored of each other.

Our games differ slightly every time, sometimes when it is too cold or outside or if it is dark we will go to the bedroom of the persons house we are staying at and we might play schools; we would act out the teachers or the children, or maybe sometimes we would be student teachers or students at a boarding school. It is good fun and that is only one of the many games we play! Some of our other games are where we are fashion designers, or gadget makers or detectives. When we are outside our games usually include u making something, or if my walkie talkies are charged (which they never seem to be) then we might play with them.

This friend of mine lives on a farm fairly near my house. I could cycle to her from my old house, but I never did. I have lived in three houses in my life each of them in a similar area but far enough for it to mean a new way of living, if you understand what I mean.

Anyway, enough of the chatter, I am going to quite simply tell you about...


I expect you will want to stop reading this after I tell you but I said at the beggining that I would write everything (or something like that) and I try not to break promises. This secret is quite embarrassing, and please feel free to comment. When my dad went to see some family for the weekend I decided to take one of the two laptops up to my bedroom. Well, I suppose you can guess what happened next, but it gets much, much worse. There is an instant messaging site on the internet called meebo and I went on it when  the computer was in my room. There are a lot of "horny" people on there who are much older then me and they wanted to show me their ****. Of course at first I said no, but then I got intriged and said yes. So I watched and to tell the truth, its not really all that exciting.

Anyway, the other night I took the laptop up to my room when everyone was in bed and I got naked and fingered myself all over. CRINGE! Feel free to stop reading but I am giving all this information out to the public therefore you have a right to carry on. I fingered my breasts and then I took of my knickers and fingered just about everything down there. But I am going to stop on that matter now as it is just far too embarrassing!

So, now that we have that out of the way I will tell you about my day. It was okay, I had Spanish first and I sat next to this girl who is a bit of a downer but it fine. Anyway, at school my bezzie is good friends with this other girl and they go of together all the tme, usually its just to the toilets so they can look at themselves and apply more make-up on to their painted faces, but they are okay really. Anyway, I want to get better friends with this other girl but I can just never find anything to talk about with her, its so annoying.

There is also another girl who me and my bezzie used to be quite good friends with, but not so anymore. For one, me and my bezzie invited her to our birthday parties and she has never invited us to hers, she never tells us anything!!! And the thing that annoys me most s that she is always compaining, can't she just chillax for a lil while??!!??!!!!!

I had better get some homework completed now, so remember, I welcome all comments.

Love Miss Radical